The Broken Tower
This is the first dungeon for the new campaign I am running. I will post dungeons and other material as the party completes sections. The...

Races of Theopetros: Crythal
The Children of Memory Appearance A crythal is a humanoid standing between 4 and 6 feet tall. Their skin is covered in very thin, very...

Races of Theopetros: Terora
The children of angels Appearance Terora are avian humanoids whose features strongly resemble large birds. They have beaks of varying...

Races of Theopetros: Beast men
The animal in the man Appearance Beast men vary widely in appearance. Some look almost completely human, while others are barely...

Races of Theopetros: Humans
The racial melting pot Appearance Humans typically stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, with men averaging taller than women. Skin tones...

Races of Theopetros: Orcs
Hardship and Strength Appearance Orcs stand the same height as humans on average, with the largest members of the race standing a head...

Races of Theopetros: Dwarves
Living Stones Appearance Dwarves are a short and stocky race, and stand about a foot shorter than most humans, with wide, compact bodies...

Races of Theopetros: Elves
Elves Beautiful Children Appearance Elves possess a graceful, fragile physique that is accentuated by their long, pointed ears. Their...

Races of Theopetros: Halflings
The Little People Appearance Halflings rise to a humble height of 3 feet. They prefer to walk barefoot, leading to the bottoms of their...

The Gods of Theopetros
The gods were once revered above all others. What sets the gods apart from the other powerful beings in the multiverse is the nature of...