I am always tinkering with different rules for games, mostly RPGs. Some of these have been released through sites like DMs Guild, others are just little PDFs that I have put together for anyone who is interested.
DMs Guild
These are the titles I currently have available on DMs Guild
A small change to the way that proficiencies work in D&D 5e. This system allows more customization for characters.
An alternate system for building characters that expands upon and changes the way that race and background work in D&D 5e.
*This is a preview. I am still accepting playtesters for the full system. Contact me if you're interested
Dragon turtles updated with 4 age categories: wyrmling, young, adult, and ancient. Adult and Ancient dragon turtles include legendary traits.
Enhanced heritage allows you to customize your character's ancestry however you want. You have control over your character's ancestry and culture. This book represents over 35 different races and over 60 subraces with expanded choices for racial traits.
includes aarakocra, aven, kenku, centaurs, loxodons, minotaurs, tabaxi, shifters, changelings, goliaths, firbolgs, goblins, bugbears, hobgoblins, orcs, thri-kreen, Merfolk, aasimar, genasi, tieflings, dragonborn, kobolds, lizardfolk, tortles, troglodytes, viashino, warforged, and plenty more.
A system for designing, pricing, and crafting magic items in 5e.
*This preview only shows wands. I am still accepting playtesters for the full system. Contact me if you're interested.
A sci-fi RPG where humans and Synthetic lifeforms known as wafans have colonized a distant world only to discover that their new home is more dangerous than expected, almost as if something doesn't want them there.
We released several previews and books before the project died. I will be posting 5e conversions as I finish them.

Random work
These are pieces I have worked on that do not fit anywhere else.