I'm a storyteller, and like any storyteller I have a backlog of half thought thoughts, and half told stories. This is where I will be putting those stories that have actually gotten a bit of work done on them. This might be a short story, or a prologue, but it is something. I currently have one book completed.
Completed Stories
Bone Deep: The story of Jared, a penitent vampire who finds himself on an unlikely road toward salvation. Available now on Amazon. Preview the prologue here.
Prologues, Short Stories, and Snippets
As the title suggests, some of these are prologues that I have written for possible longer works, some of these are contained short stories, and some of these are snippets that are unfinished.
Chaos Genome: Dystopian sci-fi stuff. Some work on an actual story for my character Siege.
Creating a Masterpiece: A story originally written in New Horizon, but since reworked. I will probably tie it in with The Gaian's Flight.
The Gaian's Flight: Prologue beginning to a possible sci-fi gbook that I might continue at some time.
Walkers: A shot at epic fantasy. This is the prologue to a book I started in highschool sometime around 2002. The writing quality shows. I reworked it a bit in college, but only ever got six chapters done. I want to return and do the story justice someday.
New Horizon Stories
These are pieces written within the world of New Horizon. I will probably rework these into other stories at some point.
Alto's Journal: Alto was my original character in the New Horizon forum RPG. When I started writing for the RPG itself, I began writing down his story. These are sections from that story, the entirety of which has never been written down.
Astaria's Final Day: Tied in with Alto's story is the story of Astaria. She was the woman he loved, and her death set him on his path
Gedrin's Story: Introduced in the New Horizon starter guide, Gedrin was an enemy soldier who began to doubt his ways.
Morning on the River: The story of a journey down the river in the Narehl Jungle