Wisps of smoke-like vapor drifted the streets, clouding the sky and filling the Wardrells with the smell of brimstone and death so constant that those who lived here had become accustomed to the stench and found themselves feeling almost lost when confronted by fresh air. The realm of Tain was a strange place filled with sights and horrors that would drive most mortal minds insane. At one time there had been two realms for the immortals, the Wardrells, controlled by Tain the god of Shadow, and Elengarn, controlled by Selrack the god of Light. It had been many years since their battle, where Tain slew his brother and took Selrack’s realm for his own. Now there existed only the Wardrells, the dark realm subject to every whim and pleasure of the shadow lord. Managing the minions of an entire realm was, of course, absolutely below Tain, and as such, the task of running the realm was left to his second, the Demon Lord Sher-Tar.
Perpetual twilight covered the realm carried on the winds of shadow along which traveled that smoke-like vapor which suffused the entire realm with it’s ever lingering scent. The vapor traveled the winds this night drawn along by whatever force it claimed master spreading out over the houses and villas, pushed back only slightly by the light that poured from many of the buildings around the city.
One such building, a small house that had once seen better days, was shuttered up against that wisp, flooding firelight into the street through the few cracks that drew their way across the small windows. The air inside was warmed by the large fire licking it’s way out of the hearth only to find bare rock and slink back once more. Heavy with the scent of sweat and labor, the air carried with it the muffled cries of a child wrapped carefully in the softest cloth available in such a place.
Senise looked down upon her son with a joy in her eyes that she had never known before. Though rich enough among demonkind, her child had been born in secret kept from the eyes of many for the one terrible secret he carried with him. Though she herself was a succubus, the child sleeping silently in her arms, her child, was human.
Senise looked up from her child, her eyes instinctively heading to the door where Valnea stood. Valnea Phoenixel, the ice phoenix, was Senise’s closest and dearest friend. Though in truth Senise had been the servant for Valnea’s family when they were both children, the demeanor of the blue haired woman spoke the exact opposite. Valnea was the only one that Senise had trusted with the news of her marriage to Algen, the only one who knew she had been pregnant, and the only one who would know her son was human.
Senise met the caring gaze of the woman who had been as close as a sister to her during their childhood, and held up the small bundle in her arms with a smile. “He is so handsome for one so young. My son will be great one day.”
Valnea stepped forward to look down at the child. “You know that it is not safe for him here; that Sher-Tar will have him killed if ever he hears of this.”
“I am well aware of this, and that is why I must ask you to look over him when I cannot. I am charging you to be his guardian in those times when I cannot be there for him.”
“Of course, you know I would do anything for you, anything for our cause.” She set a hand gently on Senise’s shoulder.
“You should stay here for now Valnea, I will head to the gouge and deliver my son to his father. Algen will protect him.” Senise stood and handed the bundle to her friend while she changed for the trip, choosing a simple red riding dress and soft leather boots.
Valnea pulled down the cloth from the child’s face giving her the first clear view since she had delivered the baby. “Before you leave, I just have one thing to ask you.”
“Anything, I already owe you my life.”
“What is his name?”
Senise looked up at her friend with a smile and walked back over to her to cradle the child in her arms once again. “His name is Drace.”
Their conversation was cut short as a loud crash echoed from the front room of the house. Something was hitting the door with tremendous force, and the timbers were beginning to splinter.
“They know.” Senise handed Drace to Valnea once more. “Quickly, take him and keep him safe, I will come for him once I am away.”
Valnea never spoke, she just nodded and disappeared through the boards in the floor just before the hearth, following a tunnel that had been carved out months in advance for just such an event. As the trap door closed, the front door shattered inward showering splinters and hinges into the room causing the steel bands which had held the door together to whip wildly scoring large gashes in the woodwork of the walls nearby. Three large figures made their way into the room.
They looked vaguely human, if it weren’t for their great height. At nearly eight feet tall, the tops of their heads were inches from the ceiling though not far enough to prevent their great rams horns from cutting into the timbers and raining small chunks of stone atop them.
Senise stood firmly in the doorway to the next room watching the three with a look of pure defiance upon her features. As the three neared her, two thoughts flooded through her mind. Whichever god is watching over me now, please keep Drace safe, and belrans, he had to send belrans.
* * *
The afternoon sun was sinking low into the looming twilight, casting shadows of color across the landscape as the two riders approached the cliff. The Gouge was a sacred place for all faiths. Nearly a mile deep in some places, the great chasm cut across the entire face of Gaia stretching a perfect border across her middle. The mark left upon their mother while Tain and Selrack had battled in the womb, the gouge had once again seen their fury as the place for the final battle during the days of Armathesis.
“Are you sure this is wise, Master?” The second rider was a stout man of strong build. He rode atop a white warhorse, and carried himself as a man of great skill in the presence of even greater skill. He wore armor of plate and chain, and atop his head was a leather cap to cover his scruffy black hair.
“Do not be afraid Seth, the fate of the next age may hinge on us being here.” The first man seemed older than the second, though an outward glance would never have revealed that fact. As his horse walked, it faintly shimmered of silver and blue, so slight as to seem only a trick of the eye. He was not a man of great build, but carried himself as one of power. His black cloak and regal blue robe concealed the chain beneath. The riders continued their conversation as they came to the edge of the cliff, then abruptly stopped talking as a line of darkness split the air before them. The line thickened and twisted until it looked like a pool of oil suspended on edge. As the pools rings coalesced, a woman stepped out of the circle. She appeared to be wearing little more than a tattered blood-red cloak, though on closer inspection the wings could be made out plainly wrapped around her body. In her arms was a small bundle.
Seth leaped from his horse, drawing his sword, a great black blade longer than his arm with a silver sheath and runes carved along it’s length that seemed to flow as if liquid metal, the blade that had once been feared through the twelve nations as the weapon carried by the night of the wandering shadow. Seth positioned himself between the woman and his master, and eyed her warily, poised to attack at any notice.
“Seth sheath your sword and be still.” The man’s voice was quite calm, as always, but held a strength behind it that caused most to obey without question. The older man stepped down from his horse, and began to walk toward the woman.
“But master, she is a succubus one of the very demons that we are sworn to destroy. We must kill her!” Seth’s concern dripped from his words more than would normally be needed in this particular situation.
“She is that, but we shall not harm her.” The man looked down kindly on the woman as slight tears ran down her cheeks. Gently raising her chin with his finger, he kissed her, and she smiled weakly.
“Is this the child?” His voice held a compassion in it that Seth had rarely heard, greater even then the compassion shown to his closest of friends..
The woman stood slowly and nodded. “Yes, he is healthy and strong.” She handed him the bundle, and he peeled back the cloth peering inside.
“He looks human. Is something wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, he is human. He will be great one day. That is why I have brought him to you, so that The Demon Lord does not find him and kill him.”
“Do you really believe that he could be the one?” He held the child carefully in his arms.
“He is the very thing that Sher-Tar fears the most, a human born unto a demon.”
The man walked over to Seth who was still eyeing the woman nervously. A pride glowed pristinely in the old man’s eyes, more than he had ever shown in his apprentice. “This is my son Drace; he is why we are here.”
“So, Algen, the great Paladin of Selrack’s essence, has born a child with the spawn of Tain.” Seth fought to contain the disappointment that he felt might well up and overwhelm him. “Why would you let this happen?”
“Not all of those under Tain’s power are willing servants. Do not forget that he controls much that was under Selrack’s dominion. Senise is one who would see Tain’s downfall, she is a loyal friend, a trusted ally, and my beautiful wife.”
Senise stepped up beside her husband with a slight smile on her crimson lips, all trace of fear and tears now gone from her face. “Our son will grow strong. One day he shall defeat Sher-Tar. The ages yet to be will bless his coming.” Now that Seth had a good look at her, he could see that she wore a tattered red riding dress, nearly hidden beneath the folds of her wings as they wrapped around her, and a pair of soft leather riding boots that were extremely muddy and travel-worn. Over her entire body were bruises and cuts with stains of dried blood.
“If this is true, then I must ask your forgiveness. I did not believe a succubus would defy Tain.” Seth placed the point of his sword in the dirt and knelt before Senise. He was immedietly aware of the soft touch of her hand on his shoulder.
“You too once served Tain, Seth. I remember you as The Knight of the Wandering Shadow. Besides, you were only trying to protect my husband, Ohmni knows he is not careful enough sometimes.” Her gaze shifted to Algen and they shared a brief smile. “You may rise, you are forgiven.”
A sound like that of a stone dropping into a pool came from the portal behind her, and Seth jumped back as suddenly there protruding from Senise’s chest was a black arrow. Senise looked in surprise at the object, blood beginning slowly to trickle down the front of her dress, then fell to the ground. The bubbling gateway was enlarging before them. Algen rushed over to Senise going to his knees at her side, worried barely contained behind his eyes.
“No! Not now, they’ve found us too soon.” Algen held a hand over the wound, a pure white light no larger than a spark of flame resting in the palm of his hand as he examined Senise’s limp body. “She is only unconscious. If we get her away in time I can help her.” He turned to Seth, a look of suppressed anger and hardened determination carving out his features. “Take Drace and leave.”
“I won’t abandon you. My place is here at your side, until the death and beyond.”Seth was already working at the straps that held his shield to his saddle.
“The best help you can do for me now is to make sure that Drace is not found. Raise him as a nephew and train him well when he comes of age. You will know what to do.” His voice held no room to dispute.
“Yes, Algen. I will protect your son. For what you’ve done for me if nothing more. Don’t leave for your next journey yet. You will be needed in the end.” His words were urgent and forced. Seth picked up the bundle and leaped onto his horse. “Don’t get killed old man.” He smiled and raised the fore and middle fingers of his right hand in a silent goodbye.
“I don’t plan on it, young fool. Now go, get away from here.” Algen patted Seth on the back, and then slapped his horse into a gallop before Seth could react.
The horse raced off until Seth regained control of his mount. Hiding the child and his horse in a gully, he made his way back through the bushes to the portal. He could see Algen lifting Senise onto his horse, being careful not to harm her any further. The gateway had stopped growing now, and five large ram-horned demons in black armor were stepping into the twilight.
Seth watched as Algen drew his sword. He caught the leader of the belrans in the chest and it dropped instantly. While fending off another one with his sword, a piece of paper glowed in his hand and he dropped it onto the dead body. Algen kicked the second one in the chest and raced off on his horse, heading for the boiling marshes. Seth waited a few minutes until they were all out of view, and then walked up to the fallen demon. Its body twitched in the burnt grass as the nerves refused to die, some demons would take up to a month only dying at the next new moon if not healed beforehand. Seth calmly took out his sword and removed the abomination’s head, the only sure way to kill a Belran.
The piece of paper was lying crumpled but open atop the cursed demon’s sword. `Seth, I know you will raise my son well. Keep this sword and give it to him for his nineteenth renewal day, on the day when the sun bleeds. Good luck, my apprentice. I always saw you as a son. I will contact you again. Train him well.`
When Seth had finished reading the letter, it melted into a stream of silver. The stream wrapped itself around the sword and began to glow brightly for a few moments before finally subsiding. The sword was no longer black, but the darkest regal blue. Upon the blade was engraved a man with one side engulfed in silver light and the other drowning in darkness, the symbol of a Walker. Next to the sword was a leather sheath, almost plain if not for the fact that it held the same symbol picked out in black and white obsidian. Taking the sword with him, Seth whistled for his mount. The horse walked up out of the gully and towards its master expectantly nuzzling his shoulder for a treat..
Grabbing the sword, Seth mounted his horse and prepared to leave. The cloth bundle covering the child’s eyes fell aside as the horse turned, and the child caught sight of the dead Belran. Drace’s eyes flashed a red light and low guttural growl almost like that of an angered wolf drew slowly from his throat. After a brief moment of surprise, it occurred to Seth that this was the first noise the babe had made. He hadn’t even cried.