Skeletal Hydra
Part of an encounter my players had to face in my Legacy of the Patriarchs campaign. For this encounter the players find themselves in a...

The Twisted One
This was an encounter in my Legacy of the Patriarchs campaign. The party had previously encountered a gibbering mouther (pic above). This...

Legacy of the Patriarchs: Family and Politics
The party confronts the secrets buried within their city and its past. The map is from Dyson Logos. Previous adventures: The Broken Tower...

Dragon Transformation
Now that my players have finally encountered this, I can show it off. Next session they will find out why they have this transformation....

Legacy of the Patriarchs: Shadows in the glass and the Hidden Library
This is the third map for my Legacy of the Patriarchs campaign. See The City of Jimos, and The Hidden Library for more information. The...

The Hidden Library
This is the third map for my Legacy of the Patriarchs campaign. See The City of Jimos, The Broken Tower, and Kobold Den for more...

Legacy of the Patriarchs: the Koblod Den
This is the second map for my Legacy of the Patriarchs campaign. See The City of Jimos and Kobold Den for more information. The map...

Koblod Den
This is the second map for my Legacy of the Patriarchs campaign. See The City of Jimos and The Broken Tower for more information. The...
The Valley of Glass
This is the encounter that my players got to deal with last night. South of the city of Jimos lies the valley of glass. The walls of the...

Legacy of the Patriarchs: The Broken Tower
The map comes from Dyson Logos the compass is from Deven Rue See The City of Jimos and The Broken Tower for more information Party:...