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The Gods of Theopetros

Stephen Mayo

The gods were once revered above all others. What sets the gods apart from the other powerful beings in the multiverse is the nature of their power. The gods alone possess the power of true creation, the ability to create what has never been. Other forms of creation rely on utilizing what is already there, sometimes going so far as to channel power granted by the gods.

Creators and shapers of reality, the gods were responsible for populating the material plane and shifting its form to their liking. The races owed their very lives to the gods. As the material realm was populated with life, many of the gods created sentient creatures which mimicked the gods, if in minor ways. These races viewed the gods as untouchable, perfect personifications of reality. This view changed after the Demon Lord sealed the plane.

The Demon Lord’s coup showed the rest of creation that it didn’t take a god to kill another god. Only three gods survived his purge. The rest of the gods in the pantheon have arisen since his defeat.

When the gods began to create followers their power became linked to those followers. After the Demon Lord’s defeat the gods needed a safer means. Instead of their power being linked to their followers, the gods are now linked to the planes of the multiverse. They draw their strength from all of creation, ensuring that they will never again be caught off guard by locking away a single connection.

Now the gods are viewed as an ideal to strive toward. Anyone who is driven, or lucky, enough may one day find themselves with the chance to grasp divinity.

The Gods

In the thousand years since the Demon Lord’s defeat many gods have joined the pantheon. With Grodge’s return from death there four of the old gods still around. The rest of the gods are new. These new gods are known as the youngling deities.

The All High (Overdeity)

Other Names: The Cosmologist, Fate

Symbol: A golden disc with a rough layout of the planes inscribed on it

Alignment: True Neutral

His name is pronounced by putting together the first and last letter of any alphabet. The All High is the deity above deities. He created the first gods and gave the multiverse its current shape. He is also the father of Dramdaus, a fact that he grudgingly accepts. He holds the multiverse together by sheer will. He is the Deity whom other Deities revere, and the god chosen by those who have nowhere else to turn. He provides balance against the other gods, supporting those facets of existence which have not been chosen by the other deities. The All High appears as either a human or a titan, in both cases he is male and of exceptional beauty tempered by aged wisdom.

Arun (Greater Deity)

Other Names: Elf Father, Horse Father

Symbol: A horse head and bow

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Arun is the creator of the elves. He is one of the surviving gods from the old pantheon. Arun is a deity obsessed with beauty and flow. He created the elves as his beautiful children, and gifted them horses as their helpers. Though he is not a fan of dwarves, Arun grudgingly respects Tork as the only other god to survive the reign of the Demon Lord, discounting the All High himself. He is a patron of art and performance, as well as a seeker of knowledge. These are traits which he passed on to his children. Arun appears as a tall and strikingly beautiful elf.

Calvin (Greater Deity)

Other Names: The Paladin, The Great Paladin, The Revered Smith

Symbol: A pair of warhammers crossed over a smith’s anvil

Alignment: Lawful Good

Calvin was the first of the new deities to ascend. He is currently the strongest champion of good among the celestial realms. Calvin is the patron of Paladins, Cavaliers and any warrior who follows a holy creed. He is rivals with Dramdaus, whom he defeated before ascension. He counts many smiths among his faithful as well, and is a patron for those who take pride in work well done. Calvin takes the form of a handsome human made rugged by long days of work and practice.

Calus (Intermediate Deity)

Other Names: The Towering Dwarf

Symbol: A longsword missing the top half of its blade and crossed by an arrow

Alignment: Neutral Good

Calus the half-dwarf was once a companion of Valic. The two formed a bond in life that ran counter to the norm for their respective races. This bond has followed them to godhood, and filtered down to their followers. Aside from his dwarven and human worshipers, Calus counts many elves among his faithful. Calus works against those who wish to drive strife between races. Calus may be seen as a Dwarf or a Human, each with similar features. He is most often seen as a half-dwarf. In any case, he often has one or more adornments of elven design.

Celeren Jaheel (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Planner, The Faithful Scion

Symbol: A book with many faces

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Celeren is the grandson of Dramdaus. He is known for making long term plans that are hard to decipher once set in motion. Celeren bears much of the responsibility for the Demon Lord’s ascension to godhood. He enacted the secret plans that enabled Dramdaus to regain power. Celeren is a being of shifting forms. His demonic blood allowed him to change faces while still a mortal, a tactic he used to great advantage during his pre-ascension life. He most often takes the form of a demon blooded human, but he changes race as often as he speaks, never liking to use the same face more than necessary.

Cerewen (Intermediate Deity)

Other Names: Queen of the Fey Courts

Symbol: A tree where the trunk and branches form a handle and the roots form the blade of a dagger

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

The Queen of the Fey Courts is a deity embodying the power and mystique of nature. Most of the fey are counted among her faithful, along with a large number of elves. Humans and little people also revere her to a lesser extent. She is concerned with the natural progression of time and as such watches over the seasons. Cerewen takes any form she chooses from among the fey, but most often appears as a Dryad, Nymph or Pixie.

Dariat (Intermediate Deity)

Other Names: The Shadow

Symbol: A rapier formed from shadow

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

A demonic entity of shadow, Dariat once plagued the mortal realm. He and Valic met in combat, and neither was victorious. When Valic was brought back to life, fate returned Dariat as well. Since his ascension, Dariat has set himself up as an elven deity, more to spite Valic than out of any care for the race. His elven followers tend toward Lawful neutral, but the Shadow doesn’t care to change this. All those who wish to remain unseen are welcome among his faithful. He counts many rogues, assassins, spies and other such individuals among his followers. Dariat often takes the form of a human, elf or half-elf, with dark skin and fine clothing.

Dramdaus (Greater Deity)

Other Names: The Demon Lord

Symbol: A demonic clawed hand wreathed in Arcane energy

Alignment: Lawful Evil

The Demon Lord is the one responsible for the fall of the old pantheon. Dramdaus is the strongest of the evil gods, patron of all who wish to oppress others. Calvin is his rival, and Dramdaus still feels anger over his defeat at The Paladin’s hand. The Demon Lord often takes the form of an aged but handsome human, similar to his father in appearance but with a slight sinister twist to his features. On occasion he also shifts between several demonic forms, occasionally his own.

The Tribunal-Derar, Neref, and Zaren (Intermediate Deities)

Other Names: The Evil Judge, The Neutral Judge, The Good Judge

Symbol: A gavel with a demonic face etched in the side, A gavel with a scale etched in the side, A gavel with an angelic face etched in the side

Alignment: Lawful (Evil, Neutral, Good)

The tribunal is often worshiped as a group, with the focus on the member which most closely matches the worshiper’s morals. The three members of the tribunal are Derar, Neref and Zaren. They ascended during the wars that erupted within the century after the defeat of Dramdaus. Realizing that the world, and those controlling it, needed order, they made a rare pact with like minded deities of differing alignments. These three became the judges of the gods. They often defer to The All High in matters, but have on occasion even ruled against Fate. Each of the judges appears as a human with traces of planar lineage matching their alignment.

Farlen (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Mounted Lord

Symbol: A lance and a horse brush

Alignment: Neutral Good

As a young boy, Farlen was hired by a pair of adventurers to watch over their horses as they traveled. That pair was Calus and Valic. As they adventured, Farlen learned from the two heroes, and took pride in his work as their squire. When the two ascended, Farlen became a hero in his own right as a mounted knight in their service. He eventually followed his patrons into godhood, taking over as patron for mounted warriors and any who make their living with animals. In that respect, Farlen is a nature deity with several druids and rangers among his faithful. Farlen appears as a kindly man just nearing middle age.

Grodge (Greater Deity)

Other Names: Orc Father

Symbol: A clenched fist holding a tusk

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Grodge is the father of the goblinoids. He was among the deities that fell at the Demon Lord’s hand. His relationship with his people is one of mutual favor as he owes his resurrection to the actions of his followers in the centuries after Dramdaus’ defeat. Grodge disliked Arun and Tork before the divine war, and his feelings have not changed since his return. He views humanity as his mutilated children. He is proud of the orc strength he sees in mankind, but disgusted by the elven weakness it has been mingled with. Grodge appears as a heavily muscled orc warrior or as a great ogre.

Karios (Greater Deity)

Other Names: Serpent of Lies

Symbol: A draconic eye ringed by teeth

Alignment: Lawful Evil

One of the many deities to ascend during the War of the Stones, Karios holds the potential to be one of the most powerful, if he were even half as concerned with the rest of reality as he is with promoting the well being of dragon kind. This focus gives him an odd relationship with Pierken, who at times is his staunchest supporter, or fiercest rival. Both wish to promote their kind, but their views on the method of promotion often differ. Aside from many dragons, Karios also counts a large number of evil reptilian races among his faithful, as well as the occasional member of other races looking to draconic knowledge for arcane power. Karios takes the form of a great demonic dragon at almost all times. When the need arises, he appears as a regal human of noble bearing.

Kellen Torail (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Laughing Joker

Symbol: A spitting cobra

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Kellen began life as a street rat. He learned the ways of the back alleys and distracted crowds to make his food. His talent was noticed one day by a friendly performer who was coming through town with a traveling show. He took Kellen in and trained him. Kellen excelled in juggling and knife throwing. He worked faithfully for the show for many years until the day he was in town and the rest of the caravan was attacked by orcs. Kellen vowed vengeance. As a deity he still holds that grudge. He is a god of performers, orphans, and vengeance. He appears as a young man wearing colorful leather armor and a joker’s hat. His face is hidden behind a mask that is featureless save for the eyes.

Khasten (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Greatest Ancestor

Symbol: A well-notched short sword

Alignment: Lawful Good

Khasten is unique among the youngling deities, She did not ascend through the power of deity stones. Khasten inherited her power from a previous deity, who in turn also inherited their power, and on back to the first halfling god. Jaylen, the creator of the halflings, was the only deity that managed to find their way back to the material plane after the Demon Lord sealed it off. How he managed such a feat is unknown. To protect the halflings during the Demon Lord’s reign, Jaylen willed his power to his people. Part of his power went to create the first ancestor shrines, and what was left transferred to a worthy halfling upon Jaylen’s death at the hands Dramdaus shortly after the seal was put into place. The next halfling god, Kandor, kept the little people safe during the Demon Lord’s reign. He was slain by Dariat shortly after the War of the Stones, a fact that puts a slight enmity between the Khasten and the elven gods. Khasten appears as a fully armored halfling warrior.

Larsh (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Wolf

Symbol: A face with one side human or Orc and other a wolf

Alignment: True Neutral

Larsh the half-orc was born a pure blooded werewolf, the product of an orc raid and an unwilling lycanthrope female. He grew up to be a warrior of nature. He spent more time with the creatures of the wild than he did with people, even his lycanthropic family. He formed a close bond with a wolf pack, which followed him into battle. Despite the savagery of his conception, he sought out his orc people to learn their ways. He hoped to find those who were not as savage as his father. Larsh is now a god of nature. Though he is only a half-orc, he counts many orcs among his followers. Grodge accepts Larsh’s position unwillingly, but sees no threat from the upstart deity. Larsh appears as a heavily muscled human or orc dressed in animal furs. He also appears as a werewolf or regular wolf when the feeling suits him.

Naytalia (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Keeper of Secrets, The Dreaming Goddess

Symbol: The moon surrounded by clouds

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Naytalia is known as the Dreaming Goddes because she is the only deity who sleeps on a regular basis. While other deities sleep on occasion to recover their strength and to heal, she sleeps to scour the realm of dreams for knowledge. Naytalia is the keeper of the library of creation, a building which houses all of the accumulated knowledge of the multiverse. If a certain piece information cannot be found within the collected tomes here, then it is known only to a select few, and kept very secret. Naytalia appears as a short woman in scholarly vestments.

Pierken (Greater Deity)

Other Names: Greatest of the Small, The Forgotten Patriarch

Symbol: A small dragon wrapped around a large dragon talon

Alignment: Neutral Good

Pierken was the first pesudodragon in existence, made almost as an afterthought when the dragon patriarchs were created. Often overlooked and underestimated for his size, he outlived his contemporaries. Over the years, he grew to great size, far surpassing any others of his kind. During the War of the Stones, his actions made him one of the new gods that eventually ascended. He is most concerned with the wellbeing of dragon kind, this focus gives him an odd relationship with Karios, who at times is his staunchest supporter, or fiercest rival. Both wish to promote their kind, but their views on the method of promotion often differ. Unlike Karios, however, Pierken is also active in the promotion of general good throughout the multiverse. He is a constant ally of Calvin, as well as Calus and Valic who ascended during the same conflict as himself. Pierken appears as a Pesudodragon of great size, though he takes on many other draconic forms when he desires.

Szeyla (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Queen of Serpents, The Seer

Symbol: A serpent head with a third eye

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Szeyla was the result of a rare medusa bloodline finding root in a hydra. Even before her ascension, she was feared and revered for her power. She didn’t flaunt her strength, however, preferring to act as an oracle and guide as she peered through the mists of time. This habit has continued since she gained godhood. She embodies the serpent’s skill for telling the future. Szeyla is the Queen of Serpents, watching over the wellbeing of those reptilian races that are often lost in the shadow of dragons. She has been the lover of both Karios and Pierken at different times. Szeyla appears most often as a hydra when she is in her own realm. When dealing with others on friendly terms, she will sometimes choose to appear as a human or elf, though she seems partial to the form of a stunningly beautiful medusa.

Tauret (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Divine Beast

Symbol: A large fist grasping the skull of a bull

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Tauret is an outsider among the rest of the gods. He represents the races of the beast men, those races pushed to the edge of civilization and often forgotten. Tauret is a minotaur with demonic blood, a fact that he hates. Though he excelled as a brawler, he is a nature god. He represents the rare side of the bestial people that is not in constant search of blood. As the only beast man among the gods, he is worshiped by most of the subhuman races, though they often are more warlike than he would prefer. He is also worshiped by warriors who prefer the strength of their bodies over the strength of weapons. Tauret appears as a minotaur of giant stature, with purple runes in his fur.

Tork (Greater Deity)

Other Names: Dwarf Father, The first miner

Symbol: A rough hewn stone crossed by a hammer and pick

Alignment: Lawful Good

Tork is the creator of the dwarves. He is a god obsessed with the riches of the earth, and he created a people to bring him those riches. Tork was the first god to delve into the depths of the material plane. He created vast cavern networks and left grand treasures beneath the surface. He survived the Demon Lord’s reign by fortifying his people in underground halls. For three thousand years he led them deeper into the world, only rarely touching the surface where demonic dangers lurked. Tork is the major dwarven deity. He accepts Calus as a friend and ally, but is wary of the other deity’s human lineage. Tork appears as a stocky dwarf covered in stone armor that flows with his movements like magma.

Trya (Lesser Deity)

Other Names: The Mistress, The Blasphemous Goddess

Symbol: A woman with beetle wings

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

In her mortal life Trya did everything she could to bring down the gods. She blasphemed in temples, desecrated holy sites, and corrupted followers. She believed that the gods were not worthy of the power they held and mortals had no reason to follow them. No one was more surprised than she was when events placed her in a position to grasp divinity. As a goddess she still believes that the gods were simply individuals who got lucky. She delights in playing games to cut down the pride of the other gods, believing that they need to be aware of the precariousness of their position. Trya appears as a beautiful tiefling woman with raven black hair and ice blue eyes. She is followed by those who seek to remove others from power.

Valic Lightfooted (Intermediate Deity)

Other Names: Blinding Arrow

Symbol: An Arrow Piercing an eye

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Valic is an elven deity, though he counts an odd number of dwarves among his followers due to his relationship with Calus. Before ascension, Valic and Calus were comrades in arms, forming a bond that has passed down to their followers. Though Valic prefers archery, he is a skilled swordsman. Valic is rivals with Dariat. The two deities met before ascension, and killed one another. There is a permanent link between the two; some believe neither can die without the other. Valic appears as a tall attractive elf, but often has one or more adornments of dwarven design.

Zemsis (Intermediate Deity)

Other Names: Death

Symbol: A skeletal hand and living hand intertwined

Alignment: True Neutral

Zemsis lived a long life as a scholar and healer. He spent his days with books and bodies trying to understand the intricacies of living beings. In his silver years he turned to gardening as a hobby, growing food and treating those who needed help. He died of old age, respected and loved by the people of his community. Death was not the end. As a result of the Demon Lord’s seal, the material plane was tainted. Even with the seal broken a large number of people find themselves among the numbers of the undead, their spirits unable to pass on to the next life. Zemsis found himself back in his body, but lacking the life he once had. His mind remained intact. He turned his deathless years toward rectifying this problem, eventually ascending to godhood. He sees it as his task to restore the balance of life and death that the Demon Lord so callously disrupted. He views undeath as an affront to nature. To assist in his mission he created special minions known as veil wardens. Zemsis appears as an old man, almost skeletal but still full of vitality.

About the Author:

Stephen Mayo lives in Montana with his wife, daughter, and three cats.

You can keep in touch with him on Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoyed reading this consider buying him a coffee or supporting him on Patreon.

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