Races of Theopetros: Beast men
The animal in the man

Beast men vary widely in appearance. Some look almost completely human, while others are barely recognizable as anything but an animal. All beast men exhibit some animalistic traits such as fur, hooves, claws, horns, animal heads, and animal bodies. Varieties of beast men include minotaurs, centaurs, goatmen, ratfolk, and many others. Though they bear some resemblance to races such as lizardfolk and avans, beast men all appear to be descended from mammalian stock.

A beastman’s personality is often described in terms of the animal they most closely resemble. Minotaurs are stubborn as bulls, ratfolk are stealthy and shifty, etc. Whether it is cultural or ancestral, traits associated with various animals seem to dominate the personalities of beast men.
The Beginning
Beast men know that they are abominations. Though the origin of humans is shrouded in mystery, the origin of beast men is well known. Beast men originated from experiments conducted on humans during the reign of the Demon Lord. Some demons conducted these experimments out of malice and spite, some out of boredom, and others because they were looking for something specific. Whatever the case, the experiments eventually resulted in a race that was as much animal as man. Many beast men became soldiers in the Demon Lord’s army, just a many became labor slaves doing jobs that were too hard for humans.
After the Seal
When the Demon Lord was defeated the beast men fled. They held no loyalty to Dramdaus, but they knew that their appearance and their origin would bring hatred from the other races. The beast men retreated to the wilderness, forming tribes as far from other races as possible. They survive by raiding outlying villages and other tribes.
Most beast men segregated themselves into groups with similar features. These groups boast cultures similar to the animals that they resemble. Beast men live in groups called herds, prides, packs, and other names. The rare groups that are made up of many different variations are called menageries. Blood and violence are common. In many ways beast men are little better than the animals from which they came.
Beast men try to avoid contact with other races as much as possible. Many are scared, others are avoiding their violent tendencies. Those who do interact with other races try to be friendly in most instances, but their appearance draws suspicion and disgust from many. Beast men are often too violent for civilized races.
Beast men typically live in huts and tents, they rarely make permanent dwellings.
Tauret is the only god commonly worshiped among the beast men. Most tribes devote themselves to another powerful being, typically an outsider of some type. The being chosen will greatly influence the culture of the tribe.
The varied nature of appearances among the beast men makes it hard to determine specific bloodlines.
Bestmen have strong demonic bloodlines.
Being descended from humans means they occasionally display traits from other races as well.
Traits common to magical beasts often appear in beast men tribes.
Groups of beast men rarely have strong governments. Tribes are ruled over by an alpha (male or female). Occasionally a spiritual leader will take control, turning a tribe toward more civilized pursuits, or toward even more bloodshed.
Most tribes of beast men have no military to speak of. Adult members are expected to fight when needed.
Beast men tribes rarely possess technology better than stone age. Rare groups that have become more civilized do have greater access to modern technology, especially weapons.
About the Author:
Stephen Mayo lives in Montana with his wife, daughter, and three cats.
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