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Tales from the Table 2

Stephen Mayo

I've been a bit lax, so here is the next Tales From The Table. Today we look at a game that I played many times with my original group. It was a home brew game combining elements of D&D, Palladium, Shadow Run and anything else we felt like throwing in. In these games, we played ourselves. You remembered everything that happened up until the point you walked into the GM's house. From that point on you woke up in the game world. Said world was usually still earth, a couple thousand years after a massive war and apocalypse fueled in part by the reemergence of magic. Somewhere along the line, we ended up getting a hold of a spaceship. This little development opened our game up to all kinds of fun. During the course of our travels, we ended up on a planet loosely based on Star Wars. Some of the people in our group went to train with the Jedi, one tried Sith, some others went wherever else they felt like. My friend who had been experimenting with magic decided to make a Bag of Holding, more literally a Trench Coat of Holding. He messed up and made a Trench Coat of Devouring. Rather than simply destroy said item, he merely pitched it into a dumpster and didn't tell the rest of us about it. So, during the rest of the fun on the planet, the homeless population began to mysteriously decrease. Eventually another party member found the coat and realized what was going on. The person in the group training with the Sith decided that he was going to earn some credit with his new friends, and set about trying to blow up the Jedi temple. He went about this little mission by strapping Willie Gun Pellets, otherwise known as anti-matter bullets, to a block of C4. The resulting bomb was thrown into the Jedi temple where it was found and ended up being disposed of by shoving it into the trench coat. Pretty soon after that we all realized this was a bad idea, and high tailed it back to our ship. The resulting explosion would have been bad enough on it's own, but now that it was partially contained in an inter dimensional beast's gullet, it was much, much worse. We barely managed to take off when the planet was consumed in the formation of a worm hole. Our intrepid little band managed to avoid the destruction, but were sucked into the worm hole and shunted off to 'Godknowswhere' a lovely corner of the universe where we were utterly lost. We spent the rest of the game trying to find a way back to earth while still getting up to similar shenanigans.

About the Author:

Stephen Mayo lives in Montana with his wife, daughter, and three cats.

You can keep in touch with him on Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoyed reading this consider buying him a coffee or supporting him on Patreon.


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