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Tales from the Table 5

Stephen Mayo

I will start this off by saying that the DM should have killed my character, and probably the rest of the party with him.

*Spoiler Warning: We were playing the Carrion Crown adventure path, so be warned*

For this game I decided to play a paladin, with the intention of going for Saint from Exalted deeds (which I updated to Pathfinder as a 4 level prestige class, and then got the DM's permission to use.)

The beginning of the campaign has to do with ghosts and other undead, which is perfectly fine for my paladin. Along the way we ended up with a bunch of special items keyed to specific undead villains we will be fighting. I ended up with a flute for some reason.

Eventually we fought the flute bad guy. You have to play his flute to hurt him, but you need to make saves every round. I had the best saves in the party, so I turned out to be the right choice. Once the windy bastard was dead, I decided I liked the flute and was going to keep it. Next level was bard. Thanks to the pathfinder update, a Bard/Paladin is not so crazy.

Some more multiclassing later, and I ended up with a Paladin/Bard/Inquisitor who took the prestige class Anointed Knight (Exalted Deeds). Part of this is because I haven't had the chance to make the sacrifice required for sainthood.

The character that was originally a combat guy has turned into a skill monkey who is still decent in a fight. Sadly, intelligence was originally my dump stat.

The next section of the adventure was against constructs. Aside from the occasional fun trick, my character was useless. Nothing I had could hurt these things because of their damage reduction. When we got to the final boss (A massive construct), my job was to keep him distracted long enough for the rest of the party to do something.

I had bull's strength, shield of faith, and enlarge all going, and the guy would have killed me in two rounds if the DM hadn't decided to change targets on round 2.

Not sure how we were supposed to beat that thing.

And for a bonus, my character's original background story.


Sardis is the brother of (Karen's Character). Though the demonic blood of his ancestors does not seem to flow as strongly in his veins as it does in hers, he still seems to have acquired a certain irresistible charm when dealing with members of the opposite sex (The Charming character Trait). Sardis grew up taking odd jobs as a mercenary, and spent much of his time in taverns with women. One day he was exceedingly drunk when a priestess of Sarenrae entered the tavern. Sardis was immediately attracted and attempted to seduce her in his usual way. Her paladin companion fended Sardis off, causing Sardis to grow angry. A watching demonic influence used this moment of weakness to strike a blow at the church of Sarenrae. He possessed Sardis, and killed the paladin. In his final act, the paladin called down the blessing of the Dawnflower, casting the demonic influence from Sardis. The event left a large burn on Sardis’ back in that resembles a sun. At that moment, Sardis was granted a vision of the Dawnflower. He was called to atone for his deeds and complete the mission (prophecy or whatever) that had been assigned to the deceased paladin. Sardis does not know what this mission is, he simple follows when instructed on the next path to take. As part of his penance, he spent a year as a servant in a court of Fey that honors the Dawnflower (Nymph’s Kiss Feat). After this year, he returned home and began traveling with his sister in the hopes of redeeming her as well. He continues to follow the path he is supposed to take as it is made known to him. He has become a follower of Raziel the Crusader, honoring the Archon as a patron while he tries to combat evil in the world. Advancing the story- Sardisis trying to accomplish his quest, though he doesn’t know the specifics yet. He is also trying to hunt down the demon that used him. The demon goes by many names, but he learned one during the encounter, Beezel. He will follow the path of a righteous crusader as he fights his own dark side. Playing the character: He wakes up at dawn each morning to go through his sword exercises. He is bare to the waist, letting his burn feel the sun. He does this regardless of the weather. If the sun is overcast that morning, he meditates.

His burn has never healed, he refuses to let anyone heal it and instead waits for Sarenrae to remove it.

About the Author:

Stephen Mayo lives in Montana with his wife, daughter, and three cats.

You can keep in touch with him on Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoyed reading this consider buying him a coffee or supporting him on Patreon.


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