Characters that have been: Icester
Here we are with the second installment of heroes I have created over the years. My Own Heroes Volume 2 introduces us to one of my favorite early characters. He went by the name of Icester.
Icester’s story begins one summer day when I was at the pool with my friend and his brother. This was the summer before 4th grade. We were all at the pool swimming around and minding our own business when we were attacked by a powerful villain who wanted to destroy us all. Note, we probably weren’t attacked, but we decided to play it that way. We all took on the persona of heroes to defeat this villain. On this day, we decided to do the elemental thing.
My hero for the day was basically a walking iceberg. My friends and I spent several hours defeating the great evil that had descended upon the pool, and then we went our ways. The other heroes of the day disappeared into obscurity, but my ice man stayed strong. Over the rest of the summer he earned the name Icester, and a backstory.
Icester was an explorer of some kind that found himself in the arctic on one of his adventures. While there, he died. Sad story really. But he didn’t stay dead. He was infused with the powers of the arctic, his spirit animating the ice around him. His body was encased in layers of ice until all that could be seen of his human form was a dim shadow within the recesses of the walking iceberg.
At the time I had a necklace that was a quartz crystal. This shape became Icesters head as I drew up what my hero looked like. During the 4th grad year, our science book had a large iceberg on the front. The shape looked perfect for feet, and became part of the picture. The legend of Icester was growing. He became one of my more powerful heroes for recess battles.
Sadly, Icester eventually lost a fight. His weakness was his left eye. When it was finally struck, his body shattered. Rather than let him die, I encased his remains in a cybernetic shell. Do you see a pattern here? the shell was pretty cool though. I designed it off of pictures from my Pog collection. Anyone else remember Pogs?

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