Characters that have been: Dredge

Dredge is a character that came about sometime around 2000-02. He started out as nothing but the sprite above. I had been making sprites for several years, and decided to try a different style, something simplistic. Dredge was the result of that trial. Along with the initial sprite, I made a few animations using a techique I had recently learned for producing electricity effects. For a year or two he existed as nothing more than these sprites, until I found a place for him to come to life.
The same forum that hosted the original New Horizon RPG, back when it was just a play by post fan game, also had several less structured RPs going on at the same time. After looking at the initial post for one such RP, I decided that I wanted a character. Dredge came to mind, and I set about making an actual backstory for him.
Name: Dredge
Race: Replicell- Unique cyborg/synthetic (Yeah, the cyborg thing again)
Age: 25
Physical features: Short spiked brown hair, pure black eyes, Yellow armor that appears almost piecemeal his armor changes color depending on the amount of energy he is conducting at the moment. He stands about 5'4
Weapons of choice:
1-Dredg's sword Arc- a 60in. blade explained later
2-Self sustaining energy- explained later
Special traits: Dredge is designed to collect energy from the surrounding environment and amplify it into useable energy. Originally not designed to be used as a weapon, a little bit of help from the Sword Arc allowed him to turn this powerful ability into a devastating close and far range attack. Dredge's body can create a power output that has the same electrical consistency as a thunderstorm and as such knocks out many minor electrical devices around him, including most observation equipment and a few less advanced Weapons. His only ranged attack has the same effect as a natural lightning strike. He can shut down his charges at will, but when holding a charge, his body is deadly even to the touch.
Arc is a sword designed in a super military program. A sword based off nanites that has a mind of it's own, when it encounters any new threat, including other weapons, it saves all this data and begins to self upgrade when time and supplies are abundant enough. Due to the fact that Dredge and Arc are both based off of nanites a close symbiotic relationship has formed between the two to the point where they have almost become one.
Short Bio: Dredge awoke recently in a destroyed lab in the Eclipse mountains. In the ruins, he found a sword that when grasped immediately became aware to him. He was informed that it was he who destroyed the lab during a lightning storm the night before. He had been built to study superconductivity and a self sustaining power system. Never supposed to be awakened from his stasis, he was used to power the lab which he inadvertently destroyed. The sword Arc on the other hand had been designed exclusively for combat purposes. The two were both based heacvily off of Nanites, and therefore began a slow assimilation of each other which ended in a highly advanced symbiotic relationship between the two. Dredge's only friend at the current time is Arc, the two have made their way down out of the mountains fighting nature, bandits, and many other obstacles on their way to the ground below.
Armed with this background, he entered the RP. I remade his sprite, and did several more animations.

For fun, I also made an animtation with Dredge and Alto. You can guess the winner here.

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