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Characters that have been: Tauren Brawler

Stephen Mayo

I start off today’s character description with a confession. If you haven’t noticed yet, I am something of a power gamer. Don’t get me wrong, I love coming up with stories for the characters, but I make sure they can survive a fight. Sometimes these characters are focused on a skill that makes them overpowered, like Aetris, others are simply too strong. Today’s character was trouble for the combination of abilities that made him a nightmare for most encounters.

I don’t remember the character’s name, but he was a tauren brawler. My friend was running the World Of Warcraft D20 game, so I decided to build a character that could grapple. This particular tauren was tainted by fel energy, causing him to grow larger than the rest of his kind. through a combination of feats, his favored weapon was whichever enemy happened to be closest. The brawler was a size large beast, capable of wielding a large size character in each hand as an improvised weapon.

His usual tactic was to pick up the nearest enemy, and use that poor individual to beat the next nearest enemy. The ability to grapple one handed and wield a creature his own size meant that once he got ahold of someone, that person was useless for the rest of the fight. The DM quickly learned not to send single enemies after us. The brawler would simply pick them up and pound them into the floor.

Sadly, the grapple rules prevent you from initiating a grapple if you are already in one. With that being the case, my tauren never got to dual wield enemies. The DM made sure that people didn’t gang up on him to try and beat his grapple. One enemy effectively useless was more than enough.

As with any character, he did have his flaws. The worst fight he had was against a sea monster that turned him aquatic by touch, some WoW version of an aboleth. He couldn’t grapple the opponent, he couldn’t control his sea horse mount, and he had no effective ranged attacks. He never went near the water again after that fight.

As far as the backstory went. he was focused on hunting down the demons that had left him tainted. Though demonic energy made him more powerful, he did his best to destroy any tainted creature he came across.

About the Author:

Stephen Mayo lives in Montana with his wife, daughter, and three cats.

You can keep in touch with him on Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoyed reading this consider buying him a coffee or supporting him on Patreon.

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