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Koblod Den

Stephen Mayo

This is the second map for my Legacy of the Patriarchs campaign. See The City of Jimos and The Broken Tower for more information. The map comes from Dyson Logos the compass is from Deven Rue

This section is designed for seven characters starting at level 2. The invaders are troglodytes. Give the lizardfolk and malison the stench ability and treat them as troglodytes. The transformed kobolds look more feral than normal kobolds and have two heads. Use the troglodyte statistics they lose the stench and camouflage abilities and gain advantage on perception checks.

The tunnel Down

The tunnel from the tower basement leads deeper into the caverns beneath the plateau. Perceptive characters might notice that the tunnel steadily heads toward the southern end of the plateau.

1) Entry Tunnel:

The cavern tunnel gives way to worked stone once more. Stone steps lead down to a wooden door on the south end of the tunnel. A stone door on the east wall leads to a collapsed room.

The door to the south is locked, requiring a DC 10 sleight of hand check to open. The door can also be forced with a DC 15 strength check.

2) Guard Tunnel:

This is the main entrance to the den from the caverns beneath the plateau. The troglodytes who took the den have stationed guards here.

Creatures: There are two troglodyte warriors in this room, one to either side of the door from area 1. There is a lizardfolk warrior at the intersection leading to areas 3 & 4.

3) Collapsed Chamber: trash heap

The stench from this room is almost as bad as the troglodytes. The majority of the chamber is taken up by piles of rotting food and garbage.

A carrion crawler has found its way from the collapsed tunnels into the trash heap. If it is aware of food nearby, it hides on the ceiling waiting to attack the first target that comes into the room.

Creature: Carrion Crawler

4) Audience Chamber:

A shattered stone throne sits on the southern wall of this room.

Characters examining the throne (investigation DC 10) discover draconic writing that appears to list of the genealogy of the family that once sat on this throne. “Wrait, warden of Kare, and his family line.”

Creatures: 2 transformed Kobolds

5) Transformation Chamber:

A large pool of water fills the northern end of this room, apparently fed from a spring below. The water in the pool is dark purple in color.

Three kobolds are chained on the north wall of this chamber. If the party avoids detection they watch as one of the shamans takes a goblet of water from the pool and forces a chained kobold to drink it. The kobold screams and collapses to the ground, convulsing. In a few seconds the kobold’s head begins to split in two, the scales thicken, and a transformed kobold stands up, it’s two heads watching the shaman as the chains are removed.

Creatures: 1 Lizardfolk, 2 Lizardfolk Shamans, 3 transformed kobolds (4 if the party watches)

6) Prisoners:

The sound of shifting chains echoes through the room when you open the door. Peering into the room you see a group of kobolds against the wall. They look at you apprehensively as you enter.

The troglodytes kept the kobolds here while they worked on the transformation chamber.

Creatures: 7 weakened Kobolds

7) Mess Hall & Kitchen:

The south end of this room holds several tables. A small tone fire pit sits in the middle of the chamber. There are five troglodytes in here eating. If the party causes a commotion with the carrion crawler the troglodytes will go to investigate. The carrion crawler is as likely to attack them as the party.

Creatures: 5 Troglodytes

8) Shrine Room:

A shrine fills one wall of this room. Emblems of the dragon gods adorn the wall and a shelf holds three carved figurines, two larger ones and a smaller one. An ancient looking kobold with milky white eyes sits on a mat before the shrine, he sniffs the air as you enter. “I thought I heard others in the den. If you are here to kill those who have taken our home then you are welcome. If you are simply here to have it for yourselves then perhaps it is better under your care than theirs.”

The kobold is Theten, Theket’s father, he is the shaman of the tribe. The two largest figures on the shrine are of Pierken and Karios, the smaller figure is Szeyla. Offerings are scattered in the area around the shrine. In exchange for clearing the den, Theten will allow each party member to take one of the offerings.

Creature: Theten, level 2 cleric. He can offer some healing if the party needs it.

Treasure: Gems (9 gp), a mechanical canary inside a lamp, A silver spoon with a b on the handle, a glass case with preserved insects, a primal glass chess set, Iron Statuette (of a rat) (25 gp), Leather Talisman (25 gp), Pewter Earrings (25 gp), Leather Belt with Silver Buckle (25 gp), Carved Wooden Statuette (of the Draconic gods) (25 gp)

9) Storage Room:

This room contains dried food of variable quality.

Treasure: Dried meats and other preserved food that has been scavenged.

10) Treasure Room:

These two small chambers glitter slightly in the light, flecks of metal can be seen in the stone of the walls. A small pile of coins sits in the corner.

The flecks in the wall are actually mithral. There is a small vein running through this area of the den.

Creatures: rust monster & folugub (use rust monster stats but it eats gems instead of metal.)

Treasure: 2489 cp, 226 sp, 35 gp

11) Cavern:

This is just a small connecting cavern between the treasure room and the sleeping quarters.

12) Communal sleeping chamber:

Piles of furs and blankets are scattered around the edges of the chamber. They appear to have been here for a while, but the troglodytes make use of them now.

This was once the communal sleeping chamber for the kobold clan.

Creatures: 1 Lizardfolk 3 transformed kobolds

Treasure: 10 Daggers, a tooth necklace (x2 some predatory animal), A bag of teeth with runes on them

13) Armory:

Rickety frames along the wall hold a small collection of weapons.

Treasure: 10 Sharpened sticks (spears), 10 daggers

14) Hatchery:

The chamber in the very back of this room contains several eggs twice the size of a man’s fist half buried in sand. There are three larger eggs about twice the size of the smaller ones.

The smaller eggs are kobold eggs. The larger eggs are slurk eggs.

Creatures: Three Kobolds & 2 Slurks. The three kobolds are adorned in what appears to be the best armor and weapons available to the clan. They wear leather armor and carry short swords in addition to their spears.

15) Past and Future:

The eastern wall of this chamber is carved to look like a stone door. Above the carving is a script that reads boja (past in draconic). A tunnel leads north. Above the tunnel a carving reads papref (future)

The carving of a stone door is actually a secret door. An investigation check (DC 25) is required to discover the real door within the carving.

16) Cavern:

The trail from the southern chamber ends at a 5 ft. drop down into this chamber.

Characters making a lot of noise while descending the drop off will alert the inhabitants of room 12.

17) Cavern:

Creature: There is currently 1 troglodyte in this room unless they were alerted by something in room 19. If the party reaches this room first, the troglodyte from room 19 enters combat as well.

18) Chieftain’s Room:

This room appears to be the chieftain's quarters. Quality furs make a bed and the walls are lined with knick knacks.

The chief of the troglodytes is in this room is he hasn’t been alerted already.

Creature: Malison with a primal glass scimitar

Treasure: characters searching the room can find 3 healing salves. Healing salve comes in little jars that hold 2 uses. Each use of salve heals 1d4 hit points. A creature can only benefit from healing salve once per hour.

19) Cavern:

A staircase from room 20 leads down into this chamber.

Creature: There is currently 1 troglodyte in this room unless they were alerted by something in room 17. If the party reaches this room first, the troglodyte from room 17 enters combat as well.

20) Room:

The south wall of this chamber is taken up by a double door that is 20 ft. wide and 30 ft. tall. A smaller door of medium size is built into the western door. Large statues of a four armed humanoid with draconic features flank the doors.

This room was once the main entrance to this section of the ruins. The doors are disguised from the outside and enchanted to deter detection. The magical enchantment can be detected once inside the chamber. Characters aware of the door can discover the smaller doorway with a successful DC 20 investigation check.

About the Author:

Stephen Mayo lives in Montana with his wife, daughter, corgi, and three cats.

You can keep in touch with him on Facebook and Twitter. Find more on his podcast A Side of Mayo. If you enjoyed reading this consider buying him a coffee or supporting him on Patreon.


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