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Legacy of the Patriarchs: The Broken Tower

Stephen Mayo

The map comes from Dyson Logos the compass is from Deven Rue

See The City of Jimos and The Broken Tower for more information


Edain: Human Bard

Odrum: Beastfolk (Rhino) Fighter

Terramor: Human Cleric

Vall: Elf Ranger

Zodian: Elf (demon blooded) Warlock

Arlen and Davin Turist had been missing since the 14th. Their parents David and Tanis began organizing locals into search parties. The PCs found themselves asked to be one such search party. The area they were sent to search was further out on the southern end of the plateau. Children often play among the ruins despite their parent’s warnings.

As the party searched they were approached by Geller Fren, a local farmer with land on top of the plateau. He was friendly and exchanged information readily. He hadn’t seen the boys, but he was missing one of his goats, Jimmy.

The party investigated the sheep and goat pen and discovered kobold tracks leading toward a ruined tower on the southern end of the plateau. Following the tracks, the party discovered the kobolds cooking the missing goat. Terramor used intimidation and diplomacy to get the kobolds talking. They learned that this small band (three men, two women, two children and the chief) were run out of their den by ‘Big Scales’ and they ended up here. The small tribe was led by Theket, an older Kobold cleric. They saw the boys enter the tower the day before when they were on their way back from their goat hunt. The boys apparently went into the level below the tower, and had not been seen since.

Theket warned the party that the levels below the tower were dangerous. Something he referred to as a No One was down there. The basement below the tower was hidden by a concealed door that was only visible because the kobolds had come up from below and then barricaded the door behind them. Runes around the inside of the door appeared to be some type of concealing magic to keep the door hidden. The party descended into the levels below the tower and began exploring. The basement was a combination of unworked caverns and areas that had been carved out to form specific rooms.

They found the boys huddled together by a small fire in a kitchen. The party explored a few more rooms, finding what appeared to be a barracks or other sleeping area with several skeletons on stone beds. The skeletons appeared to be of dragonborn or lizardfolk origin. Not wanting to delve too deeply with the children in tow, the group headed back to the surface with the boys and two jars of ceremonial wine.

The party refused any reward from David and Tanis. The jars of wine were too expensive to sell for a good price, so Edain suggested that they wait for his friend who will be arriving with the merchant train around the 1st of Drasnye.

Refreshed and ready to explore, the party headed back into the tower. The party headed for a large room north of the basement landing. This room contained the rotten remains of several benches, all facing toward a raised platform at the north end of the chamber. Atop the platform was an altar bearing designs of the old gods. Three statues around the room depicted a humanoid figure with four arms and draconic features. Five alcoves around the room contained the remains of crumbled statues and rotten tapestries.

Hiding in one of the alcoves was an undead creature of the same race as the skeletons the group found the day before. During the fight Aliedar was knocked unconscious. Once the creature was destroyed the party continued deeper, finding a chamber that appeared to be the room of some leader. While examining a magic crystal set into the wall, Edain was attacked from behind by a shadow and knocked unconscious.

The rest of the basement contained rat swarms that nearly killed some of the party, gray ooze that almost killed Aliedar, and a gas spore that poisoned Edain and Zodian. In the chamber with the gas spore they found the remains of another inhabitant of the tower.

At the north end of the basement was a collapsed wall leading into a tunnel system that went deeper into the plateau. A weakened section of wall collapsed while the party was exploring, forcing them to heal up and come back later.

The next week was spent healing up from the encounters in the basement and working with the kobolds in the tower. (The party reached level 2)

Aliedar hunted food for the kobolds so that they didn’t have to take anymore of Geller’s goats. The party bought a new goat to replace Jimmy, but didn’t tell Geller about the kobolds in the tower.

At the urging of Zodian, Theken produced a map of the den where they lived before being attacked by ‘Big Scales.’ The map showed a concealed cave entrance on the southern side of the plateau. Odrum asked his ranger friend Vall to help them search for the cave.

About the Author:

Stephen Mayo lives in Montana with his wife, daughter, and three cats.

You can keep in touch with him on Facebook and Twitter. If you enjoyed reading this consider buying him a coffee or supporting him on Patreon.


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